
Belmont High School Uniform


Bellarine Uniforms, Moorabool St, Geelong

Noone Belmont, Centreway Arcade, Shop 6/168 High St, Belmont

Belmont High Uniform Expectations

Day-to-day School Uniform

Belmont High School offers warm weather and cool weather uniform options. Students must wear the uniform options in the correct combination.

Students must wear full school uniform.

Shoes must be solid black, lace up and polishable. Students cannot wear boots.

Socks must be white or grey. Students can only wear blue or black socks and/or black tights underneath kilts.

Students can only wear Belmont High School caps, bucket hats or beanies. Any other headwear is not permitted.

Students must only wear the grey Belmont High School pants that can be purchased from the uniform shop. Black pants and branded pants such as ‘Dickies’, are not school uniform.

Students may wear layers under their uniform but are not permitted to wear hoodies or layers with non-BHS emblems or any items that can be seen through or under the uniform.

Sports Uniform

Students may wear their full sports uniform on the day they have PE. Students may choose to wear plain black leggings during PE sessions only. These leggings are not uniform, and so students must change in and out of the leggings outside of PE sessions.

Students must wear full PE uniform when attending sporting events off site. They may choose to change into preferred sports gear for their event/s.

Jewellery and make-up

Jewellery and make-up must be discreet in the opinion of the School Administration. Hair colour must be natural. One discreet facial piercing may be allowed in consultation with the House Leader.

Belmont HS Uniform Suppliers:

Bellarine Uniforms                                           Noone Belmont

162 Moorabool Street                                     Centreway Arcade, Shop 6

Geelong                                                            168 High Street, Belmont

Ph. 5221 9199                                                  Ph. 5241 6316