Alumni – Basketballers

Staff v Students Basketball game 2022

One annual highlight on the calendar is the traditional basketball match of staff v students’. It’s been sorely missed over the extended covid period but this year it was back on in a BIG way. Most of the school piled into the gym so the vibe was fun, energetic and competitive.

Sam Johns (2012), Jye Boyle (2014), Darcy Stiles (2016), Matt Johns (2016) and Matt Jennings (2017) returned to school to watch the game and reminisced with Mr McLauchlan about tournaments in the past, reconnecting like old friends. All five alumni were serious basketballers during their BHS years and were successful in their various teams. Sam and Matt Johns both had stints of basketball in the USA and nowadays these alumni still play basketball in elite and sub-elite Geelong competitions. Jennings and Stiles took to the court on the staff team to join the (serious) fun!

Post-game the guys visited yr 11PE for a Q&A session about life since graduating from BHS. Some comments from the alumni include:

Matt Jennings credited Ms Scannell, his yr 12 Accounting teacher, with learning how to organize life (not just schoolwork) and talked about teachers becoming friends over the years and how he values those connections. Matt works full time in Geelong at Ghana warehouse.

Darcy chatted about not liking uncertainty and strategies he uses to manage through uncertain times, and memories about fundraising to go on the adventure to Nepal on the World Challenge with Nick Masters and the significance of learning to care deeply about an issue. Darcy is a secondary teacher at Oberon Secondary College.

Sam shared how to involve yourself in life as an elite coach and understand the commitment that it takes to be working/volunteering at elite level sport. Sam is a secondary teacher at Western Heights College.

Matt Johns discussed learnings about how to perform at a high standard in the classroom and on the basketball court in the US. He spoke about the importance of having a team around you and listening and learning from these people (eg. nutritionalist, psychologist, physiotherapist). Matt is a full-time elite basketball player.

Jye shared insights into his school journey including unexpected grief during yr12 and the impact it had on his personal performance. He reflected that he perhaps didn’t take schoolwork as seriously as he could have which meant he needed to enter tertiary studies via a pathways course then transition into his undergraduate degree. Jye now works as a school psychologist in Geelong.

Thank you to all five alumni for happily visiting BHS, bringing you’re A game and sharing your insights with current students. Ps the students had a victory ????